Read on to learn more about other essential qualities of a copywriter, the tasks they typically tackle, and the core skills and training needed if you want to pursue a career in copywriting. No matter what your writing skills may be, there is always a copywriting career for you to explore and experiment with. Even if you attempt one form of copywriting and aren’t happy with writing in that style, you can always move on to the next. After hearing your favorite song on the radio, you’ll typically hear a few minutes of commercials before the next song, and this is also carefully written by copywriters. If you’re passionate about the broadcast field but would rather be behind the scenes, this might be a good career choice. The key difference is that it is more content-heavy than traditional copywriting.

copywriting career

However, unlike a freelance copywriter, you may not have the freedom to pick and choose your copywriting projects and clients. You may get that privilege only after you’ve risen up through the ranks and have earned clout in the agency. You could work as a journalist, corporate writer, technical writer, or creative writer.

If It Can Be Bought, Writing Is Needed to Sell It

It is easy for copywriters to get wrapped up in leveling up their own career. However, many will find if they instead focus on the needs of their clients, their own personal career will grow organically. Use this guide to understand the ins and outs of a copywriting career, including responsibilities, salary, and more.

copywriting career

You may be the one who’s writing a marketing script for a radio presenter to speak on-air, such as a service that has paid to be featured on a particular morning show. If you have the skills to write for the ear, start practicing with a scripting program such as Trelby. Although this is the traditional copywriting route, advertisements won’t be stopping anytime soon.

Get your first gigs from job boards

Consider doing this service as a package deal to maximize the amount you’re making. The typical answer to what a copywriter does daily is usually on the lines of writing for advertisements, but this isn’t the only avenue a copywriter can venture into. This section will detail common copywriter salaries, as well as how to set and maximize your fees as a freelancer. Copywriting is used by nearly all businesses throughout the world, and it comes in many different forms.

copywriting career

SEO takes skill and patience, but the right person can build amazing results. And this is only a small sampling of the types of businesses that need your services as a professional copywriter. The description is followed by a link to view a white paper about the chip. A white paper is a document that goes into detail about a specific product or topic, and white papers are also written by copywriters.

Choose a copywriting specialty (email, Facebook, etc.)

The client sets the maximum number (or range) of words desired, and you agree to be paid per word for the delivered copy. However, despite what you might read elsewhere, it will take a while to build the portfolio, reputation, and client base needed to make a significant income from this work. Marketing focuses on the big picture of what to sell and how to market to prospects.

  • Copywriting has many types of niches and specialties you can specialize in.
  • All companies that advertise or market their products or services need copywriters to ensure they capture attention and inspire sales.
  • When searching for copywriter jobs, pay close attention to the job responsibilities so you know what type of writer a company is seeking.
  • While your degree may not have anything to do with copywriting, it does give you in-depth knowledge in an area you may choose to specialize in as a copywriter.
  • We’ll also get into the day-to-day job description of a copywriter, as well as the qualifications you need to become one.
  • It is easy for copywriters to get wrapped up in leveling up their own career.

Wherever you are right now, you can carve your own way to a successful career as a freelance copywriter, in-house copywriter, or agency copywriter. The field of professional writing is expected to grow by 9% from 2020 to 2030. I started my writing career as a journalist, which is a common route to copywriting. For the past 15 years I’ve worked as a copywriter for a digital marketing agency and in-house marketing departments and also as a freelancer.

Writing for Advertisements

Some confusion exists over the difference between copywriting and content writing. Job seekers should know what each one entails in order to apply for positions best matching their interests and talents. Two online marketing master’s degree options with a focus on… You’ve gotten to the point where you know what you are doing, and you’re ready to start making a name for yourself. So, your next step is to purchase a course on one of the copywriting specialties.

Copywriting is an essential element of marketing and advertising. Writers create words with the purpose of persuading people to take action after reading or hearing them. Good interpersonal skills benefit copywriters because they usually work with clients. Listening carefully and asking pertinent questions help copywriters understand objectives.

You can also volunteer to do copywriting for free for nonprofits and for the businesses of family and friends. It’s also possible to become a copywriter without a post-secondary degree. You can pick up copywriting skills through independent study, by enrolling in online and in-person copywriting programs.

You will also need to collaborate with different departments such as PR, customer service, etc. Based on web searches on Google, interest in the copywriting profession has been steadily increasing over the last 5 years. This peaked in early 2021, probably as a result of the pandemic, and again in early 2022 as more people switched to remote jobs they can do from home. Writers Work focuses on writing, offers a $47 one-time, life membership fee, and provides a portfolio platform to showcase your work. Each job listing is reviewed before posting to prevent scams. It doesn’t matter how good of a copywriter you are if nobody knows about it.