When working with Mobindustry, you can hire Android developers that are constantly improving their skills through training and peer reviews. At Mobindustry, we always encourage our clients to conduct technical and soft skill interviews with our developers. This way, our clients can choose the perfect candidate for the job and make sure our developers are qualified. Here’s how you can handle an interview with your Android developer candidates. An Android developer should be able to work with a team, as mobile development projects usually involve many people, from stakeholders and business analysts to designers and other developers.

  • It’s important to understand the basics of these programming languages, as well as  functional programming.
  • It’s common for people to hold that aspect in high regard, though the sole fact of an app made public does not tell you much.
  • After getting your application, we will have a chat with you to know your requirements better, and based on that, we will suggest developers from our talent pool.
  • Android Studio is the preferred choice of Android developers when it comes to choosing an integrated development environment (IDE).
  • Many developers are still using Java for their Android app development.

SDK or Software Development Kit consists of pre-packaged codes and integrations that Android developers can use for developing the application. But an Android developer must understand which SDK is best for the development. For integrations like – Payment – Analytics – Social Media – Advertising – Geolocation And so on. Android developers spend a lot of time identifying the best-fit SDK for the development process. Plus, every SDK has a wide gamut of purposes and functions it can deliver.

Can you hire Android developers on an hourly basis or for project-based tasks?

That is why the job of the developer is even more critical and crucial. Not only do they have to make user-friendly and high-functioning apps with the latest and sustainable features but also craft an attractive UI for professional enterprise apps. Apart from the above situation-based questions, ask general questions to learn more about candidates’ skills, experience, and knowledge. Reading about the best candidate sourcing tools provides valuable insights into optimizing talent acquisition strategies and streamlining the recruitment process for better quality hires. Stay informed and make informed decisions for your recruitment efforts.

As of 2023, Android will have 87.4% of the mobile operating system market share. Therefore the possibilities of attracting a customer base with an android application might boost multifold. This is all due to the depth of the topics needed to master the complex area of native app development. Developers with experience in completing projects of a messaging how to hire an android developer app might not be the best fit for the creation of a video editing app. That’s because the knowledge of how to efficiently send and receive text messages will not be useful in creating a flawless and an intuitive creative experience. Make sure you have a clear outline of what it is you are making, and keep it in mind during every stage of the process.

Project requirements

This will aid you in picking the most appropriate technology partner for your needs. After you assigned a task to your candidate, and they finished and updated you with the build, you should test in a very thorough manner to look for potential bugs. And the reason is that it should give you insight on the developer’s ability to find bugs and fix them, or in other words, the ability to test their own products. After you’ve interviewed a potential Android specialist and decided to hire them for the trial period, what else can you check to estimate if this developer is the right expert for you? Firebase is one of many tools that can help Android developers manage databases without using a real back-end. An expert developer will already be comfortable enough with one of them to get the job done.

how to hire an android developer

When you hire Android app developers in India, determine whether they have experience in piecing together different SDKs for Android apps. It is crucial because if they have not done it previously, it will take them additional time to figure out what to do and how to do it. This becomes all the more important when you have a time-bound project. An Android developer should be proficient in programming languages such as Kotlin and Java. They are essential for designing visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces, offering seamless user experiences.

How to assess android app developers?

In general, it’s best to stay away from the developer who offers the cheapest quotation. When it comes to software development, the adage “you get what you pay for” is arguably the most accurate. While getting the most out of your investment is crucial, you should never sacrifice quality to save money. Patrick is a senior full-stack engineer with more than 10 years of experience developing beautiful, reliable, and scalable products. He is passionate about bringing ideas from conception to launch, working with clients of all levels of technical acumen, and building products that help companies grow. Hiring an Android developer that doesn’t know how to manage databases means that you might need to hire an extra developer solely for that purpose.

Android SDK is available for free, which helps developers to develop interactive apps using its material designs. But, developers have to pay a one-time registration cost for distributing the app. After that, developers can leverage its benefits to build and test their apps. It has reduced the investment cost too much while maintaining the app’s quality and engaging users. With an excellent user interface, it will get the attention of users generating more ROI.

Cost Effectiveness

Besides the general reasons we’ve already explained, many smaller arguments can convince startup owners that Android app development makes sense. Here’s a short but comprehensive list of such arguments — they will surely help you decide whether you need to crank up the business heat and bet on Android. Learn about the programming languages used, the average costs, and the best outsourcing countries.

Each provides a distinct look and feel, and understanding these nuances is essential for creating apps that feel native to the respective platforms. They paired us with the perfect developer for our application and made the process very easy. It was also easy to extend beyond the initial time frame, and we were able to keep the same contractor throughout our project. We definitely recommend Toptal for finding high quality talent quickly and seamlessly.

Technology Services

If Android is the dominant platform among your target audience, you’ll need to find and hire dedicated Android app developers to do the task. This option allows you to hire a whole team of dedicated developers quickly and with minimal upfront investment. The team will work solely from the vendor’s offices on your project, and you will need to pay an hourly rate for every member. The team usually consists of developers, designers, quality assurance engineers, and project managers who control the work of the whole team. In some cases, a dedicated development team might not be a viable option, especially if you don’t have a lot of work for them. Outsourcing offers various options for cooperation between a client and developers.

how to hire an android developer

Now, with each candidate interviewed, pick out specialists with the highest grades. That’s the key to more reliable hiring; a more accurate prediction of whether somebody will be a good hire or not. Efficient communication, the knowledge, and the experience in the libraries commonly used in your app, and reliability are just some examples. Below, we will outline what to pay attention to when hiring an Android developer, whether that’s in-house or through finding a technology partner. We have developed a guide on how to find Android developers on GitHub, with steps that are easy to follow. Looking up potential candidates using the standard search box would be suboptimal.

It’s A Plus If A Developer Has Previous Experience Working On An Open-Source Project

It will reduce the time-to-market while maintaining the efficiency of the app. Android development has a more minor and fast development cycle lasting a few hours. Now let’s start with the specifics of Android app development, along with tips on where to hire the right project specialist.