The stigmas surrounding alcohol and obesity can leave you feeling hopeless. Discovering help for a substance use disorder requires patience and determination. The staff at New Directions For Women aim to inform and rewrite your relationship to alcohol and obesity. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, contact us today. There are many different theories about how alcohol and other drug use manifest, but most experts agree on a biopsychosocial model.

  • Heavy drinking may activate hormones that signal appetite, hunger, and stress.
  • Josh holds a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition Science.
  • In this article, we describe how alcohol can cause a bloated appearance in the stomach.

Menopause officially occurs one year after a woman has her last menstrual period. Though menopause affects all women differently, in general it tends to cause fat to be stored in the abdomen, rather than on the hips and thighs.(59, 60, 61, 62) . A sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest risk factors for negative health events. It involves prolonged sitting throughout the day (e.g., watching TV, sitting at a work desk, long commutes, playing video games, etc.) (37, 38). SSBs are the largest contributor of sugar intake in the United States primarily due to their low cost, convenience, and ease of consumption.

Days Sober – What To Expect When You Quit Drinking

Instead, changing your drinking habits can help you manage your weight. Males are more likely to gain abdominal fat from drinking than females. Females may gain weight in their abdominal region after menopause when estrogen levels naturally decline. Weight is certainly not the only factor when it comes to health. Still, there are a few things you may want to know about alcohol intake and body composition if you think drinking may affect your weight.

Inpatient or residential treatment is one way to address alcohol addiction and obesity together. When a person is admitted to an inpatient alcohol treatment center, they will likely receive treatment for 30, 60, or 90 days. Residential treatment programs for substance use are designed to be a distraction-free environment to focus on recovery. These programs typically include counseling and therapy sessions, as well as support groups for people who are trying to overcome alcohol addiction. Whatever you do, don’t skip a meal to save calories for alcohol. So, like us, you have decided that you don’t have to cut out alcohol completely to achieve your weight loss goals.

Does Drinking Alcohol Make You Gain Belly Fat

This means you will most likely store those additional calories as fat while your body is trying to clear the byproducts of alcohol calories (3). Stark also recommends an online community called Hello Sunday Morning. The website connects people who have chosen to quit drinking to create meaningful change in their lives. Each participant writes about their experiences and shares their reasons for quitting.

does alcohol cause you to gain weight

Even though a night-cap might help you fall asleep faster, you’ll spend less time in the more restful REM sleep. This sleep cycle is what gives us creativity and memory retention. Your brain is 85% water, blood is 92% water, and water is a component of every tissue, organ, and bone. Inside our cells, water is required to spark the energy creation and metabolism processes. When does drinking make you happier and improve the quality of your life? Like at boozy brunch with loved ones, on a boat in the summertime, celebrating a friend’s wedding with college buddies, etc.

The Truth About Alcohol And Weight Gain

To prevent alcohol poisoning and possible death your liver focuses all its energy on metabolizing, or breaking down, the alcohol into non-toxic components. Still, an estimated 42% of Americans are obese, and 60% of Americans say they drink alcohol. Now, not all Americans who drink alcohol are obese, and not all obese Americans drink. Most people intuitively know that alcohol equals unnecessary calories.

  • They often drink rather than eat, believing that alcohol consumption will suppress their appetite.
  • However, there is a thin line that is easy to cross if you aren’t keeping your drinking and choices under control.
  • Alcoholic beverages are often high in sugar and carbohydrates which can contribute to weight gain.
  • Menopause officially occurs one year after a woman has her last menstrual period.
  • Overall, the available experimental evidence reviewed in this article suggests that moderate intake of alcohol does not lead to weight gain.
  • Cortisol plays an important role in helping to regulate blood sugar and fight inflammation in the body.

If you want a happier, more stable life, one of the BEST things you can do for yourself is quit drinking alcohol. But not until your body is done with the alcohol and if you’re a heavy drinker, well, your body has only so much metabolic bandwidth. Outpatient treatment programs offer psychotherapy, among other services to help you recover. Outpatient treatment programs are best suited for those with mild to moderate cases of addiction. Intensive outpatient treatment (IOP) programs are a notch up from outpatient treatment but provide the structure of inpatient treatment.

In addition, excess alcohol intake may hinder how your body burns energy and fat. A review by Yeomans [5] highlights some of the potential explanations for alcohol’s influence on weight gain or obesity. First, as previously mentioned, energy from alcohol appears to be additive to energy from other sources [5]. Several studies suggest that consuming alcohol before or during a meal does not influence the amount of food eaten in that meal, despite increasing the energy density of the meal [5].

does alcohol cause you to gain weight

To flush out this water weight, cut the carbs down to 50g the day after drinking. Also use intermittent fasting combined with C8-MCTs to promote does alcohol cause you to gain weight additional fat-burning. If you’re eating junk food, those carbohydrates will also hold onto water, making you gain even more weight.